A Celebration of Unity, Tradition, and European Values in Iža
In the days of 23 rd to 25 th of August, 2024 our delegation has attended the Strudel festival and town twinning 2024
event organised in the picturesque village of Iža, which came alive with colour, music, and the smell of freshly baked
strudel. Bringing together twin municipalities from Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, and Serbia, including Iža,
Almásfüzitő, Gyermely, Murony, Şacueni, and Čantavir, this vibrant event was organized in the framework of the „In
the Footsteps of the EU” (101157874, Footsteps of the EU) project, co-funded by the European Union (EACEA) via
the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV-2023-CITIZENS-TOWN-TT).
The three days long event included gastronomic and culinary programme elements (strudel-making, goulash cooking
competition), professional consultations, sports events (e.g. running competition) as well as a wide range of cultural
and entertainment programmes (e.g. concerts, retro party, children’s programme, etc.). We have attended a holy mass
honouring the friendships formed during the festival, and the main cultural and natural heritage sites in Iža were
visited, including the Millennium Monument, where a commemorative festive ceremony took place.
A ceremonial meeting titled “The Present and Future of Partner Municipalities” brought together local leaders to
discuss visions, shared needs, and best practices for collaboration. The day also featured a series of discussion forums
covering topics such as “The present and future of the EU”, “European values, principles and rights”, “Together
against discrimination in the EU – Solidarity and Tolerance”, “Development trends of the 21st century and their
impact on the lives of EU citizens”, “Mental challenges caused by fear”, “Digital and green skills”. In the “EU tent,”
visitors enjoyed an array of unique experiences—including a falconry show, a pilates workshop – “Movement changes
lives” and a gastronomic presentation titled “From Garden to Kitchen.” These interactive sessions provided
opportunities for meaningful conversations about current trends, as well as pressing issues faced by European citizens
today. Folklore groups from Iža and partner municipalities showcased their talents, emphasizing the richness of
cultural heritage in the European Union.
The festival was a delightful celebration of culture, community, and European values. Aiming to promote cohesion,
tolerance, and a shared sense of responsibility, the event allowed citizens to engage in educational, social, and cultural
activities while building a deeper sense of belonging to the European Union. Through laughter, dialogue, and the
universal language of good food, the event strengthened bonds between people from different nationalities, fostering a
sense of connection that transcends borders – reminding us all that, while our customs may differ, our shared values
and love for tradition bring us closer together.
Note: Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do
not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency
(EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.